AJ Brose set up a thank you hunt for some of his employees and friends, Britt Kyle, Travis Miller and Drew Guenther. AJ did it right with an all day hunt and a bunch of birds. The morning hunt started with some pheasant in the Cabin Field milo strips and one nice quail covey in the prairie. Jeff Powell guided the morning hunt, with Meg his cocker spaniel flushing the birds out of the thick milo patches. They came back to the clubhouse for some pulled pork sandwiches for lunch and then off the Clubhouse Field for some pheasant, quail and chukar hunting. Colton Wilkins brought out Preacher and Bama for the afternoon hunt. I brought out Hildy to help out later on and caught a few of the rises on camera. Pretty sure we wore out the group from Indiana out with about 7 hours in the field chasing birds.