My family has 40 acres for sale in Fayette County, IL. The ground is located about 2 miles west of Hagarstown off Highway 140. The legal description would be the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 33 Bear Grove Township.
There are 32 tillable acres, 8 of these acres are currently farmed. The remaining 24 tillable acres have been in the CRP tree program for 29 years. The current contract is valid until 2020 and pays around $1,900 annually. The 8 acres of tillable ground could be cash rented for $160/acre.
The remaining 8 acres is in timber mixed among fencerows and the hillside on the south end of the property.
This is a great piece of property for someone looking for some ground and who also likes to deer hunt. Lots of deer on this property, the thick growth from the tree program and timber edges has made this a nice sanctuary. We have taken some nice deer off this property and some incredible sheds. Check out the pics below.
Incredible investment at $3,500/acre. Call me with any questions 618 292 8680
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