Ken, Arlon and Zaine w/ Cooper Upland Bird Hunt

Ken and Zaine Schwerman came out for an upland bird hunt with their friend, Arlon Long and his German Shorthair, Cooper.  I stocked the Clubhouse Field with pheasant, chukar and quail and Cooper started the hunt finding the birds.  Zaine started shooting a little slow, but was hitting all his shots by the end of the hunt.


2 thoughts on “Ken, Arlon and Zaine w/ Cooper Upland Bird Hunt

  1. Bra hecht

    i was just wondering where this place was I have two pointers and love to bird hunt. Just looking for new areas to hunt and what kind of habitat places have to help out with our farm when trying to help wild birds live.

    1. sandyrunhuntco Post author

      Mr. Hecht, We are located about 4 miles East of Vandalia, just off exit 68 on I-70. Give me a call and I can arrange a time you can tour our facilities, 618 292 8680. tks, Bill

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