The Central Prairie Field Trial Club held the Jimmy Dale McNutt Amateur Shooting Dog Trial Saturday, March 23 at the Sandy Run Cabin Field. Beautiful day for a full field of setters and pointers, 8 braces for the shooting dog trial, but not many made it around the course clean. Jeff Hainline’s female pointer, Star, placed first with ZuZu, Randy Zimmer’s setter coming in second and Doc, handled by Butch Spelbring getting the third placement.
Patch, Frank Chirstie’s pointer won the Derby, with another Patch, run by Jeremiah Seifert, getting the second placement and Brad Hargis’s pointer, Rebel coming in third.
Ron Hamp’s setter, Bob, took the first placement in the Gun dog trial. Sammie, a setter male, handled by Gary Matevey got second and Sam, Brad Hargis’s pointer female, came in third.
Big Mack, Jeff Marshall’s male pointer, won the puppy trial. He ran the course much better than he poses. Dale Smith collected the second and third placements with his pointer pups, Lilly and Hank.